How To Add An EMR Simulation Solution To Your Post Secondary Program In 7 Effective Steps

Step 1 

Considerations: Consider the best type of EMR simulation software to teach with. Things to consider are: Do you want to teach your students using an industry software? Do live updates matter? Is a certified vendor a consideration?

Certified vendors are industry EMR software vendors who have gone through an annual provincial certification so their features must be able to perform functions deemed essential in healthcare today. Is an education-based software simulation a consideration? Does your solution need to be Canadian? Will you be teaching provincial billing? Note: Using a certified industry EMR software is important if you want to teach using the schedule of benefits and current guidelines laid out by the Ministry.

Education-friendly vendors have been on the rise with the understanding that training their software at the college level does touch their overall business. Brand awareness as well as an influx in applicants trained with their EMR software taking up market share, mean only positive recognition for a vendor.

Step 2 

Short-list: Narrow down your top 2–3 EMR simulation solutions that you want to explore further.

Step 3

Review: Conduct a review with each EMR simulation company on what you want to be able to cover. Compare with your course outline to see what course objectives need to be considered and what can be replaced with electronic content.

Step 4

Selection: Select a vendor or company that offers the service and curriculum you require to be able to offer as much markable content to students as possible. Students should be fully immersed in the simulation and be able to receive valuable feedback on their entries.

Step 5

Customizations: Ask for customizations to your EMR environment to make your student’s experience as real to life as possible. These can include, but are not limited to: letterhead, a clinic name and address, additional reason for visits, additional patient names and physician names that vary from any pre-sets.

Step 6

Onboarding: Ensure training is specific to your team on the software and training materials available. This includes processes you need to share with students on topics like how they will receive their login credentials and how they should request technical support.

Step 7

Collaboration: Take part in any feedback surveys or review webinars that take place to ensure topics are added that meet your training needs or current topics are expanded upon based on your experiences and needs. This often allows you to either read the results that other colleges selected or offers you the opportunity to collaborate face to face with faculty from other colleges in your program area and share valuable input year over year.

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