Task Automation

Are providers tired of spending hours on patient outreach tasks that could be automated?” Automating workflow is on trend and we are ecstatic to work with some forward-thinking vendors who can simulate how this works for our students so they can use it during their simulation with us.The Automated Task Manager runs in the background and completes patient outreach tasks in your electronic medical records. Using Natural Language Processing, the system scans through tasks, identifies the ones that need completing, and automatically completes them to the specifications of the clinic. Some specific tasks we will have students do through our integrated Accuro EMR are setting up outreach tasks for annual physicals, mammogram recalls, and flu shots.For more information on task automation, click the link here:This new addition to our curriculum aims to provide students with in-depth insights and practical knowledge for managing preventative care medicine and improving patient outcomes.If you would like to learn more about what is included in our electronic medical records simulation curriculum, you can find the details here.If you would like to book a demo of our EMR simulation curriculum, you can view the available times here.

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