Non-College Student, EMR Self-Led
Free Introductory OHIP Billing Session using the Accuro EMR
Apply for the career you have always wanted by having the software knowledge listed as mandatory on the job postings you want to apply for. A career as an OHIP biller will give you a flexible and stable career you will be proud of.
Please note, this session does not include login credentials to the software.
Click here for your no obligation, free session.
Don't wait, act now!
Online Accuro EMR Accelerator Self-Led Course (Inclusive of workbook)
Online Accuro EMR Self-Led Course
Return on your investment is guaranteed with this go at your-own-pace course that give you the job experience you need to add to your resume.
Confidently apply to job postings and start working in that position you have been waiting for.
Course Outline:
EMR Accelerator:
Self-Led EMR Course
Course Description:
A course in practical EMR application using Accuro EMR software. Learners will be taken through self-led activities in patient care using industry software. Topics include all functions of a health office professional’s role such as patient entry, scheduling appointments, medical billing in compliance with provincial insurance plans, medical documentation, document import, messaging, tasks and more. In addition, modules in Covid-19 billing and private billing are included. A course certificate of completion is granted.
Course Software Duration:
Up to 12 months of access to the EMR software and resource site will be provided.
Course Resources:
All course materials are provided. You will not need to purchase anything additional.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:
- Accurately enter patient medical information into an EMR software.
- Accurately transcribe medical information into an EMR software.
This course is not evaluated.
Suggested Course Schedule:
It is approximated that each topic takes the student 3-5 hours to complete (total course 40-50 hours).
Week | Content |
1 | Set up and Log In |
2 | Patient Registration |
3 | Patient Scheduling |
4 | Electronic Medical Records and Transcription |
5 | OHIP Billing Covid-19 Billing |
6 | Cumulative Patient Profile |
7 | Prescriptions |
8 | Messaging |
9 | Tasks |
10 | Projects |
Course Benefits
College approved
Update your resume
Learn at your own pace
Access to all modules
Try for free

Samples: Common job postings

With the Self-led Accuro EMR course you’ll receive lessons for 10 weeks from day one to complete at your own pace. Your training includes audio, workbook, walk-through tutorials, PDF downloads, and more.
We lay out the training weekly to ensure you complete the right steps in the right order and have time to absorb new concepts as you go, but you are free to double up weeks to move through more quickly.
You want to make big things happen in your career and we are here to support you.Go at your own pace. Learn on demand.
The entire course is displayed for you when you join.
One year of access. Revisit any lesson, anytime.
You want to make big things happen in your career and we are here to support you.
Accuro training.
Go at your own pace. Learn on demand.
Easy to follow.
Certificate of completion.
One year of access.
Technical support is readily available throughout your course.
Accuro Self-Led Testimonial
The course was easy to follow. I learned the functions of a medical office administrator through hands-on experience.
The training met my expectations. I would recommend this training to a friend or colleague.
Maya Walters
Online Accuro Self-led course taker